A Review of Coca-Cola’s Extended Marketing Mix


A Review of Coca-Cola’s
Extended Marketing Mix

PRODUCT An example of some of the 500+ brands that are owned and have been developed by Coca-Cola. This is a sign of their success of product expansion since the inception point of the company.
Healthier Generation (2017)

PRICE The above image shows the price variation of a 330ml Coca-Cola from countries around the world, including Australia. The pricing model is kept affordable for the majority of population and in some countries is cheaper and more available then water. (New York Times 2018)

PLACE The image above shows one of the major distribution points of Coca-Cola and its subsidiary beverage brands. Consumers can purchase both online and in-store of mainstream supermarkets (eg Woolworths, Coles, Costco) Image source Eddie (2019)

PROMOTION The promotional strategy of Coca-Cola has evolved alongside of consumer trends, but all whilst to keeping to their original messaging that aims to connect to people's personal emotions and experiences. The above image shows one of their well-known advertising promotions that uses individual names to connect on a more personal level with the consumer. In Australia, the top 150 names were selected for this 2011 campaign which was so popular that it went global. (Coca-Cola Australia)

PEOPLE As of 2019, there was around 80,300 people employed by Coca-Cola world wide. With so many employees, the organisational structure of the company is important to ensure ongoing success of the business, stemming from the very top of operations into varying departments and into the relevant distribution points.

This video "A day in the life of a Coca-Cola Employee in India" shows the inside of how the organisation works and the employees day to day contribution. (You Tube 2014)

PROCESS: Coca-Cola sells its syrup to bottling operators who then manufacture, package and distribute the product who then on-sell to retailers to reach the consumer. Australia alone has 9 production facilities and 11 warehouses. The Richlands plant in Queensland has the ability to produces 90 million cases for national and export markets each year. These figures are an example of the consumer demand and the process of how the company provides those numbers.
Australian Manufacturing 2018

PHYSICAL EVIDENCE: There aren't many retail spaces, fast food outlets, restaurant, dining or entertainment facilities that Coca-Cola isn't readily available to consumers. The well-known red and white of the Coca-Cola brand is easily identified and the image above is a snapshot within a major supermarket chain that shows how it presents in a shelf layout available to consumers in physical evidence form. Eat This Not That (2020)
